On July 6, 2022 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., the European Conference “THE NEW FRONTIERS OF BIO-DISTRICTS” will take place in Vallo della Lucania (SA), at the Council Chamber of the Municipality. The event is jointly promoted by the International Network of Eco Regions (IN.N.E.R.), the Cilento Bio-District and the Global Alliance for Organic Districts (GAOD). Experts from 7 European countries will participate: Italy, Sweden, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Estonia, and Croatia. The Conference will be held in presence, in Italian and English. Three panels are planned.
1) The Cilento Bio-District: an open laboratory for the development of organic and sustainable local food systems. Presen tation of the results of the monitoring of the bio-district by IN.N.E.R. / UNIBO and the data collection and survey carried out as part of the SysOrg project (ERA-NET SUSFOOD2/CORE ORGANIC Co-Fund). There will also be other qualified testimonies on the most recent experiences launched in Cilento on healthy diets.
2) The new tools for bio-district creation and management. Presentation of the results of the Erasmus+ project “EducEcoRegions,” which in two years of activity has seen 45 experts from Italy, Portugal, France and Spain working together with IN.N.E.R. and GAOD on the elaboration of new guidelines for the creation and management of bio-districts, a European Report, a film on best practices and an e-Learning Platform in Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French and English.
3) Beekeeping in Bio-Districts and Protected Areas. With the participation of partners from the Erasmus+ project “beeB” and the Observatory on Parks and Protected Areas in Southern Italy. The large-scale online course (MOOC) open to all beekeepers and aspiring beekeepers, the new training based on cross-visits, the videos made to let everyone know the importance of beekeeping and the tools to discover together the issues on bee health and the available solutions, will be presented.
As Emilio Buonomo, President of the Cilento Bio-District, points out, “this is a great opportunity to meet leading bio-district experts and visit the first European bio-district, born 18 years ago, within the largest Italian National Park, which can count on 41 associated municipalities, 1,032 certified organic farms, 13,749 hectares of organic UAA. We look forward to seeing you.”
*Info: Association IN.N.E.R. – International Network of Bio-Districts, Via Serre 39-84052 Ceraso (SA), presidente@ecoregions.eu, www.biodistretto.net (IT), www.ecoregion.info (EN).